Chevy Truck Gas Mileage – Getting More Miles Per Gallon
Americans have fuel and the prices of fuel on their minds lately. Most Americans are afraid of what the pumps are going to be priced at when they wake up in the morning. Are they going to be able to afford to go to work, especially if there is a long commute? Many people are required to have a truck for their vehicles for the purpose of their jobs. If you fall into this category you are in luck. Chevy truck gas mileage is working on improvements.
The best way to improve your Chevy truck gas mileage is to keep your truck up to date on its maintenance. Every truck comes equipped with an owner’s manual. In this manual you will discover the proper way to care for your truck and the engine. There should be a schedule as to when you need to change the oil, change other engine fluids, and other maintenance checking. It is easy to do these tasks on your own, but if you are too busy to take the time out of your schedule to do these simple things you can always bring your truck to an auto body shop. Keeping your vehicle up-to-date not only improves the gas mileage, but it will keep your engine running smoothly which will prolong the life of the vehicle.
Accessories can be purchased to help increase the gas mileage of your truck. Bigger tires, louder exhaust, extra lights, and things that block the wind or use energy will not improve your gas mileage. The types of accessories that will help include tonneau covers, toppers, airflow tailgates, bug deflectors, and visors are all products that help deflect the wind and make it flow smoothly over the truck. When you purchased your truck it probably came with an open bed and a solid tailgate. This is perfect for catching the wind and creating your truck to drag. A tonneau cover will allow the wind to pass over the bed without causing any friction. A topper needs to be either level with the truck cab or it needs to have a slope at the front of it to allow the wind to pass over freely. Using an airflow tailgate is just that. The air can flow through it without creating any drag. The engine then doesn’t have to work as hard to keep the speed you desire. Since the engine isn’t working as hard you are able to in return experience better gas mileage.
If you have to pull a trailer behind your truck you will notice that your gas mileage decreases. Usually a trailer is taller than the truck, and this blocks the wind, obviously. There are spoilers that you can install on the cab of your truck to help the wind go over the trailer and therefore it won’t put as much of a pull on the truck’s engine.
If you are actually in the market for purchasing a new truck and you want good Chevy truck gas mileage you need to take a few things into consideration. The transmission will make a difference in the gas mileage. Also having 2WD or 4WD will make a difference. Whatever is more powerful usually requires more fuel to run. Shop wisely and you’ll be sure to be satisfied with your Chevy truck.