Trikke Wheel Replacement

Trikke Wheel Replacement

Worried about the need to frequently change out your Trikke wheels? Don’t be! Your Trikke scooter is known as a low-maintenance human powered vehicle. It is made up of parts that are durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of free-styling for hundred of miles before replacement of any part is needed. As long as you follow the standard precautions for safety detailed in your Trikke manual, you only need a couple of minutes prior to climbing on for a quick safety check: ensure the tightness of screws with a pair of 5mm allen wrenches; check the effectiveness of your Trikke brakes, and eye the condition of all three of the Trikke wheels. Like any other vehicle, your Trikke wheels carry the weight and do require regular maintenance.

So what is required for your Trikke? Let’s see. First, what type of Trikke wheel do you have on your Trikke scooter? Different tires will require different levels of maintenance. Depending on the model, your Trikke scooter may have either a polyurethane Trikke wheel or an air-filled rubber tire. Each will have its own advantages and disadvantages.

The polyurethane Trikke wheel is a hard plastic wheel that is non-sparking, non-conductive, and impervious to oil, ozone, and grease. Your poly Trikke wheels are designed to turn effortlessly, and they offer almost no resistance when used over flat and smooth surfaces like the pavement of your sidewalks, roads and neighborhood lanes. This makes the poly wheels perfect for Trikke beginners since they provide smooth runs that make it easier for the newbie to get moving.

Furthermore, the poly Trikke wheel is very quiet, doesn’t leave marks on floors, and is very durable, outwearing the rubber Trikke wheel by months in ordinary free-wheeling activities. However, the polyurethane Trikke wheels are of little use on rough surfaces. And their very design makes them slippery enough to skid through water puddles. You could even lose control of your Trikke scooter when road obstacles like bumps or holes are encountered. Avoiding them will ensure a safer ride for you, improved lifespan for your Trikke scooter and many hours of laughter, wild fun and full body workouts for you.

Meanwhile, the air-filled Trikke rubber tires are better at cushioning, provide better traction on rough and uneven surfaces and protect floors. Ultimately they offer more Trikke riding versatility. You won’t be limited to smooth pavement with the air-filled Trikke wheels, and you can travel smoothly with better control when carving over varied terrain and climbing uphill.

The down side is that the pneumatic Trikke wheels require more maintenance. It is imperative that you check the air pressure of your Trikke wheels every 7 to 10 days and add air as needed with a pump possessing a precise gauge to ensure you’re inflating your tires to the recommended pressure. Don’t rely on a test of the firmness of your Trikke wheels by using your hands. Instead use an accurate tire pressure gauge capable of measuring pressure above 80psi. Maintain an air pressure of 80psi in the rear Trikke wheels and 75 in the front to ensure optimum performance of your Trikke scooter. Furthermore, you have to avoid sharp objects on the road that can puncture your rubber Trikke wheels like jagged rocks or broken glass.

Though Trikke polyurethane wheels are expected to last longer than the pneumatic rubber Trikke tire, the overall lifespan of your Trikke wheel actually depends on your riding style and riding surface preference. If you’re a laid back rider who only requires speed and a gradual workout for improved muscle tone over smooth pavement, then you will get a lot more miles out of your Trikke wheels. However, for the energetic and adventurous Trikke riders who love performing tricks on their Trikke scooters and prefer deep carving and very rough terrain, then expect to replace your wheels more frequently.

Once you notice part of your wheel is starting to show signs of wear and tear, you can just rotate the wheels so the less abraded portion will be more exposed to the ground. If you deem your Trikke wheel unusable because of large holes or deeply eroded surfaces, it is time to replace it with a new one. Just order a Trikke scooter wheel replacement by going to the Buy Now button at the website, and then proceed to the Showroom for parts and accessories.

Once your new Trikke wheels arrive, replacement is easy and simple. You just need two 5mm allen wrenches to loosen the screw holding the Trikke wheel in place, and secure the new Trikke wheel by replacing and tightening the screws. Check the air pressure, and then off you go for more adventures, fun and a great workout. Enjoy!